
The Scout Mindset
In The Scout Mindset, CFAR co-founder Julia Galef describes why and how to embrace a scout mindset, a stance of curiosity and openness to evidence, in contrast to soldier mindset, a combative approach that resists evidence. It covers topics such as how to notice bias, how to change your mind, and how to inspire others without deception.
Blog Posts by Anna Salamon
- Humans are not automatically strategic
- What should you change in response to an "emergency"? And AI risk
- “PR” is corrosive; “reputation” is not.
- More posts
Videos by Michael Smith
We used to have a newsletter, but stopped maintaining it. Here are the old editions.
Dec 29, 2020 - Elizabeth Garrett
CFAR Newsletter (December 2020)
Hello, We continue to exist! Although we’ve definitely been really quiet. Here’s what we’ve been up to. The year started well with a mainline CFAR workshop and an AIRCS workshop. Then, at the beginning of March, we cancelled any plans for in-person workshops for the rest of the year, including one that was set to start in a week. This was primarily motivated by the desire to make sure people...
Dec 20, 2019 - Timothy Telleen-Lawton
CFAR Newsletter (December 2019)
Hello from CFAR! Here’s a look at what we did during the past few months and what we’re planning for the next few. We’re also in the middle of our year-end fundraiser, including an AMA we’re holding right now on LessWrong until 10am tomorrow; check out our fundraiser page to see a broader look at the last two years and the next one, or to donate! What We Did Mainline...
Dec 18, 2019 - Timothy Telleen-Lawton
Financial Overview: 2018-2020
Note: This document is intended as an informal, easily-readable overview of CFAR’s income and expenses in 2018 and 2019, and of our financial projections for 2020. You can view our 2019 Independent Auditor’s Report here, and our most recent 990 here. 2018 Income In 2018, CFAR1 received approximately $2.2 million in revenue. Half this sum came in the form of general support from BERI (the Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative), $800k...